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Hong Kong Civil Procedure (Hong Kong: Thomson Reuters, 2023-) (as Contributing Editor)

Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong on Evidence (vol 27, 2nd edn, Hong Kong: LexisNexis Butterworths 2011) 


Book chapters

‘Sanctioned Offers and Sanctioned Payments’ of ‘Settlement Module’ in Lexis Practical Guidance Hong Kong Dispute Resolution (Hong Kong: LexisNexis Butterworths 2019)


‘Enforcing International Mediated Settlement Agreements’ in Ramaswamy M P and Ribeiro J (eds), Harmonising Trade Law to Enable Private Sector Regional Development (New Zealand: UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific and New Zealand Association for Comparative Law, 2017) 81-95


‘UNCITRAL and International Commercial Mediation in China’ in Ramaswamy M P and Ribeiro J (eds), Trade Development through Harmonisation of Commercial Law (New Zealand: UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific and New Zealand Association for Comparative Law, 2015) 193-216

‘Without Prejudice Communications’ of ‘Settlement Module’ in Lexis Practical Guidance Hong Kong Dispute Resolution (Hong Kong: LexisNexis Butterworths 2014)

‘Alternative Dispute Resolution Module’ in Lexis Practical Guidance Hong Kong Dispute Resolution (Hong Kong: LexisNexis Butterworths 2014)

'Mediation in Hong Kong SAR’ in Wang G and Yang F (eds), Mediation in Asia-Pacific: A Practical Guide to Mediation and Its Impact on Legal Systems (Hong Kong: Wolters Kluwer (Law & Business) 2013) 225-242 (with S Ali)


Journal articles

'Preventing Challenges: The Impartiality and Independence of Arbitrators and Mediators in Hong Kong', Asian Dispute Review (January 2024) (with S Ali and M Kwok) 

‘Courts and Technology: Remote Hearings in Hong Kong Courts’, Hong Kong Civil Procedure News (November 2021) (with YCJ Mo)

‘The Role of the English Courts in Alternative Dispute Resolution’ (2018) 28 Legal Studies 666-683


‘Exploring Mediator Liability in Negligence’ (2016) 45 Common Law World Review 165-185


‘Institutionalising Mediation in Hong Kong’ (2015) 45 Hong Kong Law Journal 769-794


‘Mediation in China: Towards a Modernised and Harmonised Procedural Framework for International Commercial Mediation’ (2015) 19 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration 55-78


‘Ten Years After Halsey’ (2015) 34 Civil Justice Quarterly 77-95


'Unreasonable Refusal to Mediate: The Need for a Principled Approach’ (2014) 33 Civil Justice Quarterly 261-265

‘A Bolder Step Towards Privacy Protection in Hong Kong: A Statutory Cause of Action’ (2014) 9 Asian Journal of Comparative Law 345-380 (with YCJ Mo)

‘Proving Property Boundaries’ (2013) 77 Conveyancer and Property Lawyer 395-402

‘Pre-trial Mediation in Mainland China and Hong Kong: Rationales, Regulations and Ramifications’ (2013) 32 Civil Justice Quarterly 385-407

‘Revisiting the Issue of Mediator Immunity: The Way Forward for Prospective Mediation Legislation in Hong Kong’ (2011) 41 Hong Kong Law Journal 677-696 (with Y Zhao)

‘The Development of Legal Protection for Mediation Confidentiality in Hong Kong’ (2011) 40 Common Law World Review 263-277 (with Y Zhao)

‘Confidentiality of Mediation Communications’ (2011) 30 Civil Justice Quarterly 192-203

‘Mediation Confidentiality’ Hong Kong Lawyer (July 2010) 35-39

‘Database Right Decoded’ (2010) 7 European Intellectual Property Review 313-319

'Legal Developments in Hong Kong in 2009: A Review’ (2009) 1 City University of Hong Kong Law Review 155-162 (with M Beckett)

‘Truth through Court Interpreters’ (2009) 13 International Journal of Evidence & Proof 212-224

'Distribution over Peer-to-Peer Network’ (2008) 2 European Intellectual Property Review 74-76

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